We are informing our members about the upcoming changes in grassroots football, which will see the phased removal of deliberate heading in matches for youth levels U7-U11 over the next three seasons. This follows the successful implementation of the International Football Association Board (IFAB) trial, initially introduced in England.

Background and Implementation Timeline

The IFAB trial was first introduced to ensure youth matches at U12 and below follow the current heading guidance established in 2020. This guidance was developed after extensive consultation with the grassroots community, coaches, and experts.

Starting from the 2024-25 season, the rule will be applied as follows:

  • 2024-25 Season: U7-U9 teams will adopt the new rule.
  • 2025-26 Season: U10 teams will be included.
  • 2026-27 Season: U11 teams will follow suit.

Match Adjustments

To improve the match experience, the following adjustments will be introduced:

Deliberate Header Restart:

  • Deliberately heading the ball will result in an indirect free kick from the point of the offense. If within the penalty area, the free kick will be taken from the nearest point on the penalty area line.

Touchline Restart:

  • A pass-in or dribble-in will replace throw-ins when the ball crosses the touchline. The kicker may touch the ball again before it is played by another player, and opponents must stand at least five yards away. A goal cannot be scored directly from a pass-in.


  • No disciplinary sanctions will be applied for a deliberate header unless it is considered persistent, which could then result in a caution.

Supporting the Grassroots Community

We will work closely with County FAs, leagues, clubs, coaches, referees, and schools to implement these changes, providing guidance and support to ensure successful adoption. Leagues and clubs currently participating in the IFAB trial for U10-U12 age groups can continue on a voluntary basis until the full transition in 2025-26.

Ongoing Research and Support

Throughout this period, the changes will be continuously researched, reviewed, and analyzed to improve the player and referee experience. The current heading guidance in training will also be reviewed and evolved to support a safe and enjoyable football environment.

For further details and support, please stay tuned to our communications and reach out with any questions.