Adam Darnell

Referee Level

Level 7 – Junior (Amateur leagues)

Referee Since

February 2022


Local lad who works as a Hgv driver, do the football refereeing and also do the boxing refereeing and judging for the amateurs

Why did you start refereeing?

I started refereeing when I stopped playing a few years back. When I never had nothing to do on weekends I started to miss being involved, so I did a New Year’s resolution that I would get back into football with the refereeing.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

Merseyside schools vs Northumberland quarter final of the national cup u14s at finch farm
4-3 Northumberland in the last kick of extra time was great a game and great goal to make it 4-3

What is your current career highlight and why?

Being appointed to a county cup semi final in my first full season of refereeing was a proud moment.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

I would like to end this season as a level 5

What is your ultimate ambition?

My ultimate ambition if possible ,make a career out of refereeing

Best piece of advice given to you?

Enjoy every moment when you stop enjoying it that’s when you know it’s not for you