Francis Sibley

Referee Level

Level 3 – Contributory (Contributory Leagues)

Referee Since



Level 3 contrib referee and also a panel select assistant referee

Why did you start refereeing?

To earn cash then started to e you it and decided to take it serious and see how far I can go with it

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

National league north play off final Brackley town v Kidderminster harriers

What is your current career highlight and why?

The game above national league north play off final having my family and closest friends there watching as I walked out onto the pitch in a special weekend

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

To be knocking on the door at 2B

What is your ultimate ambition?

To become a premier league match official

Who has been/is your role model?

My dad who is also a match official and the reason I got into it

Best piece of advice given to you?

Have a close circle of friends and always ask for the honest feedback positive and negative