Gareth Clarke

Referee Level

Level 6 – County (County leagues)

Referee Since

August 2021


Originally from Derry, N.Ireland but now married and living in Liverpool for last 23 years, dad of 2 children. Have been involved in football all my life as a player, coach, treasurer, chairman and now referee.

Why did you start refereeing?

Having experienced running a large grassroots club for many years, after lockdown decided that I wanted to get involved in refereeing, as had stepped in on a number of occasions. Completed my referee course, throughly enjoyed the experience and never looked back.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

Although it may have been an U9s game, getting the opportunity to referee the Hillsborough Memorial Tournament final between Liverpool and Everton at the LFC Academy is something I will look back on fondly. Not only was it my first "Merseyside Derby" game to referee, the fact that it was a competition commemorating an event that I watched unfold myself as a kid in Ireland live on TV was special and an honour to be do.

What is your current career highlight and why?

To date I think having been selected to be an Assistant Referee in an FA Qualifying round has to be the highlight so far. Having watched the FA Cup since an early age, getting the opportunity to be involved in the competition in a small way has been fantastic and something that I will look back upon.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

I would like to get promoted and continue to stretch myself personally in higher profile and more challenging games, whilst continuing to learn from others.

What is your ultimate ambition?

Is to stay involved in football through refereeing and continue to build lasting relationships and learn from fellow referees in an environment which continues to make you smile everytime you pull on a shirt.

Best piece of advice given to you?

Smile and have fun, build up a great rapport with everyone you step onto the pitch with ... you only get one chance of a first impression.