Joseph Strain

Referee Level

Level 7 – Junior (Amateur leagues)

Referee Since


Why did you start refereeing?

When I was a kid, I was lucky enough to play junior football and that was down to the referee's, coaches and parents of the day - all giving up their spare time and money. Super fond memories. I simply wanted to be able to give back and enable the kids of today to create their own memories.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

I was lucky enough to referee a game at a Premier League ground. Being treated as a Premier League official and having a taste of what that could be like was a fantastic experience.

What is your current career highlight and why?

I was lucky enough to have received the Referee Of The Year award for the Merseyside Youth League in the 2022/23 season.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

I have applied for promotion from level 7 to 6. I would also like to complete the level 4 fitness test.

What is your ultimate ambition?

Go as far as I can.