Keith Norman

Referee Level

Level 5 – Senior County (County Leagues)

Referee Since



My name is Keith Norman and I have been referring for many years and am still an active referee at present kids male and female Football The girls League up at Jericho Lane and in Skelmersdale J.M.O. 6 a side league J.M.O.Walking football league I did qualify after assessment to Referee Walking football at the highest level The accesser told me I ticked every box after my game. Also every month in the Homeless League.I served in the Brittish Army Regular and T A for 34 years I am Married to Linda and have 2 Sons and 4 Grandchildren the youngest is 8 All good footballers

Why did you start refereeing?

For the love of the game after playing again in a long carrier and to keep fit

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

An Army Cup Final extra time and Pens at YES Liverpool Academy on the big pitch

What is your current career highlight and why?

Being Respected has a Senior Referee

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

To stay fit and keep refereeing

What is your ultimate ambition?

I have climbed all the Mountains

Who has been/is your role model?

Frank Jennings Peter Banks George Cane Ben Speedie I could write a book

Best piece of advice given to you?

It was by a Brigadier when I was promoted to WO1. [RSM]. He said R.S.M Always keep people Weary of you