Matthew Corlett

Referee Level

Level 1 – National List (Premier League and Football League)

Referee Since

Around 14 years old


Hi, I am the Chairman of Bootle RA. Live in Crosby with my wife Katie and baby Leo. 31 years old and work in Deals at PwC. Love training, eating and all sports

Why did you start refereeing?

I was playing for a team and our coach asked if anyone fancied doing the course. I thought it would be sensible to do to make a few quid and that it would beat doing a paper round!

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

National League Play Off Final at Wembley between Chesterfield and Notts County. A cracking game that had it all, made all the more better to do it with our Vice Chairman, Scott Jackson, and Callum Jones, a Committee Member. A brilliant and proud day for all of us and our families.

What is your current career highlight and why?

Being promoted to the Football League as a referee. I made the difficult decision to pack in being an assistant referee and focus on the middle back in 2016. I loved running the line on the Football League and the first aim was to get back there but holding the whistle. Delighted to have made it!

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

Promotion to SG2

What is your ultimate ambition?

Referee on the elite stage - Europe and the Premier League

Who has been/is your role model?

George Cain - true legend of the game, and my old man - believed in me from Day 1

Best piece of advice given to you?

Probably got a few that spring to mind:
- You're only as good as your next game
- Expect the unexpected
- Referee when the balls out of play
- Sometimes you can't impact the hand you've been dealt but you can impact how you respond