Michael Howells

Referee Level

Level 5 – Senior County (County Leagues)

Referee Since



Originally from the West Midlands and been involved in Grass Roots since my eldest son was 6, he is close to 30 years old, as well as Referee I have been in various roles with several clubs and still involved, Cresswell Wanderers FC is base in Bloxwich, Walsall and my original club i am still involved with. Then my youngest Son joined a local team Rainford Rangers, boyhound club of England, Wolverhampton, Everton And Liecester Citys Connor Coady, Here I am welfare officer and Secertary of the club and Assitant manager and coach of my sons team. I am a UEFA level C Qualified coach and altough a Wolves Fan claim to understand teh fundimentals of the game. mainly respect, treat other the way you would expect them to trat you or your family members. Its cost zero :-). I am also a Liverpool FA referee Mentor, trying to give something back.

Why did you start refereeing?

When i was a coach for my eldest son in 2000, a lot of game had no referee, so i decided to take the whistle.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

When I first joined the bootle RA when Eddie McGrath was Chair, he welcomed me with open arms a foreigner with a strange accent, and open me up to the great oppurtunites being part of a RA. At the time Liverpool TV was free and on Sky and I had the oppurtunity to Assitant Liverpool V Stoke, which was televised.

What is your current career highlight and why?

Apart from the memory above , its any final, i am yet to be hounored by my county FA, although a few semis etc, but Craven Minor League, Soth Lanchashire league and Liverpool Old boys league have honoured me with Final appoinments.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

Fitness level and progression to get a new referee Badge at Level 4.

What is your ultimate ambition?

I am too old, but for me to perhaps mentor someone taht progresses, i am hoping my 10 year old will take teh whistle early and progress

Who has been/is your role model?

Eddie McGrath, a nice bloke beside being an Everton Fan, without him i am sure i would have gievn up when i came to the North west.

Best piece of advice given to you?

If its 50/50 give to the losing team or defending team, you get less grieve and can explain it better :-).