Phil Brennan

Referee Level

Level 4 – Supply (Supply Leagues)

Referee Since



Hi I am Phil Brennan
Born in Barnsley
Aeronautical Systems Engineer by day, Referee by Night (and weekends)

Why did you start refereeing?

During my final year of college I was talking to one my mates who was a referee, he won me over, gave me the Basic Referee Course organisers mobile number. The rest is history.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

Would have to be between my Plan on the Pitch match at Goodison in May 2023 and Liverpool Women vs Blackburn Rovers Women in a Pre-season game at Prenton Park in August 2020 due to the experience of refereeing in a big stadium, If not Vauxhall Motors vs Bury AFC in March 2023 as it was at the time a 6 pointer with a big crowd and cracking atmosphere

What is your current career highlight and why?

Getting promoted to Level 4, it took a lot of effort and commitment but happy it all paid off.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

Establish myself as Level 4, with a bit of luck and hard work who knows what I could achieve.

What is your ultimate ambition?

When I retire to be able to look back and feel I made a positive impact

Who has been/is your role model?

My Grandad who's sadly no longer with us.

Best piece of advice given to you?
