Scott Jackson

Referee Level

Level 1 – National List (Premier League and Football League)

Referee Since

September 2011


Hi I am Scott Jackson, the Vice Chairman of Bootle RA, a Football League Referee and serving member of the Royal Navy.

Why did you start refereeing?

I started refereeing 6-a-side in Plymouth in 2011. I did it to get out of the house and earn a couple of quid. I quickly got the bug and took it seriously from there on in. I progressed through the various levels to reach where I am today.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

Wrexham v Borehamwood - Wrexham promotion game 2023. The crowd was huge, the publicity was bigger and it was a great occasion to be a part of. I was also lucky enough to be the fourth official in the National League Playoff Final at Wembley in 2023, where the Referee was nobody other than our Chairman Matt Corlett.

What is your current career highlight and why?

There is a few - Wrexham v Borehamwood, 2023, Wembley Playoff Final 2023, my first TV Game which was Notts County v Woking 2023, replacement referee at Wigan v QPR in the Sky Bet Championship 2023 and my first ever EFL game Harrogate Town v AFC Wimbledon 2023.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

Establish myself as an EFL Referee, work hard and who knows what is achievable.

What is your ultimate ambition?

Ask me when I'm retired.

Who has been/is your role model?

There is nobody in particular although you must look up to the Elite Referees such as Howard Webb, Pierlugi Collina, Michael Oliver and Anthony Taylor for inspiration.

Best piece of advice given to you?

Get George Cain's mobile number.