Referee Level

Level 6 – County (County leagues)

Referee Since

2008/09 Season


Now retired after a career in Construction and Charity Management I continue my links with the charity world being Vice Chair of Mencap Liverpool & Sefton based in Crosby. Long suffering supporter of EFC, hopeless golfer and can be found most Thursdays at The Philharmonic Hall listening to a world class orchestra and often see Tom King there! Who says referees aren't cultured? !The rest of my time is devoted to the family and my two lovely grandchildren.

Why did you start refereeing?

I had been coaching my son's team Redgate Rovers from U8 right through to U18 and we were fairly successful with the highlight being winning two European tournaments in Holland & Belgium. When the team disbanded I found I was missing football at grassroots level and so in my Fifties I decided I might as well complete the cycle of playing, coaching and finally refereeing.

What is the most memorable match you have refereed and why?

When you get to my age and you're mainly refereeing Veterans games, every game is memorable but a 7-7 draw between Ramblers and Sefton Vets had everything - diving headers, back heel flicks and a goalkeeper kicking the ball twice! The score was 7-5 with two minutes to go and unbelievably Sefton scored two in two minutes to level the game. At the final whistle everyone fell to the ground absolutely knackered!

What is your current career highlight and why?

I suppose because I am a lifelong Evertonian, officiating at Goodison Park in a Soccer Aid match meant I at least was on the pitch for 90 minutes in some capacity.

What would you like to achieve in the next year?

I've been appointed as Referee Liaison Officer at Everton Academy this coming season and I would like to make a success of this and raise the profile of LCFA and Bootle Referees Society of course!

What is your ultimate ambition?

At my age I'm just happy to keep going!

Who has been/is your role model?

George Cain

Best piece of advice given to you?

Amongst the many gems of advice gleaned off George over the years, the best is 'Never Dig A Hole For Yourself'