We invite all members of the Bootle Referees’ Society to contribute to our website. Share your experiences, insights, and achievements with the community. Here’s how you can get involved:

1. Submit Articles

  • Topics: Referee experiences, key match appointments, promotions, training tips, law updates.
  • Format: 500-1000 words, include relevant images or diagrams.
  • Submission: Email to Keith@wearetornado.com

2. Match Reports

  • Details: Key moments, challenges faced, and outcomes.
  • Length: 300-500 words.
  • Photos: Include 2-3 high-quality images.
  • Submission: Email to Keith@wearetornado.com

3. Photos

  • Content: Action shots, community events, training sessions.
  • Quality: High-resolution, captioned.
  • Submission: Email to Keith@wearetornado.com

4. Laws of the Game Quiz Questions

  • Content: Have you experienced something in a match that would benefit other members? Submit it as a Law of the Game quiz question.
  • Format: Describe the scenario and provide the correct answer.
  • Submission: Email to Keith@wearetornado.com

Don’t worry about perfection—we can help with editing. By contributing, you help create a richer and more engaging resource for all members. We look forward to your submissions!